About me!

I specialize in Youtube , Twitch & Tiktok video editing/content creation, specifically in the Gaming, Esports & Anime online space. I also love web design & development!

If you are a Youtube/Twitch content creator, I would love to work with you to grow your brand by editing your content to be watchable on many different platforms such as Youtube, Tik Tok, Facebook Gaming and much more!

My Portfolio

Here are some examples of graphic design work I've done. The examples are Youtube video thumbnails & projects I've done in school.

This very website was created by me! It was created using HTML & CSS aswell as many Bootstrap components. Here is a link to my Github account where you can see many of my web development school projects as well as personal projects.

Here are some youtube videos/TikToks I've done as personal projects

Here are some examples of UX/UI projects I've done in school.

Contact Me!

Email: marc.rice1738@gmail.com
Or you can fill out this form!